Filed under: eLearning Development

New employee puzzle piece

5 Great Reasons to Move Your Onboarding Training Online

You’re hiring new employees. You’re (hopefully) training those new employees. But are you being efficient about it? There have been lots of studies that link quality onboarding to not only employee success, but also their tenure. Employees who participate in a structured onboarding process are more likely to succeed at their job and more likely […]

Hourglass And Benjamin Franklin Portrait On One Hundred Dollar Bill

Save Time and Money with eLearning Pre-Tests

Let’s face it, not everyone is super stoked about taking your latest eLearning course. Whether they’re busy, lazy, feel they already know the information, or are unabashedly anti-learning, sometimes streamlining the path through a course is the best option. In our last article, we talked about failure driving your course content. In this article, we’ll […]

Learn Something New calendar note

10 Awesome Training Engagement Techniques from the Last Year

Wow! As we mentioned yesterday, it’s been a LONG time since we blogged, so it feels good to stretch our typing fingers and re-enter the interweb once again. We may have taken a hiatus from blogging, but everything else has been full steam ahead here at ThinkingKap. So, to jump start our return, we thought […]

elearning narrator

The Right Narrator Can Bring Your eLearning Course to Life

Think the narrator of your eLearning course isn’t all that important? Think again. The voice that accompanies your content can make a major impact on not only how successful the course is at teaching, but how it is perceived overall. Amateur audio/narration is easy to spot. Do you want to send up a red flag […]

Partial Nav No Title

Partially Restricting Navigation for eLearning Courses

Whenever we work with a new client to develop eLearning courses, one of our topics of discussion includes what level of freedom they want their learners to have navigating the course. Is the learner able to skip around and visit any part of the course in any order? Or should the navigation require them to […]

articulate storyline features

Articulate Storyline Features You Need to be Using: Part 1

Sometimes the simple things in life are the best. While it’s great to learn new, advanced techniques that wow your learners, that’s not what this list is about. This list features simple, built-in features for Articulate Storyline that make life so much easier. Odds are that if you develop in Storyline regularly, you may already […]

Simulating Real World Activities in Articulate Storyline

Simulating Real World Activities in Articulate Storyline

One of the most common struggles we hear from eLearning designers and developers is the “inability” to accurately replicate real world activities in an online format. Now, we’re HUGE fans of eLearning, but we’re realists too. That being said, there isn’t one single solution that fits every need. As such, there are some things that […]

Wooden block set up for staircase with light bulbs on the top point on black stone board. Business success and create idea concept

7 Steps to a Perfect eLearning Project

Ever wondered what the anatomy of the eLearning development process actually looks like? Diving into the step by step process will help you better understand how long a project takes, what factors go into custom eLearning development, and what you’re really paying for when you ask for a course to be designed. No one likes […]

Which eLearning Treatment Level Is Right

Which eLearning Treatment Level Is Right For You?

Different types of eLearning require different levels of interactivity. Some are just needed to share generic information, while some need to really engage learners with material that can be transformed into hands-on training. Before you begin designing and developing a new eLearning course, be sure to identify which eLearning treatment level your course needs to […]

How We Built an Articulate Guru Award-Winning Course

How We Built an Articulate Guru Award-Winning Course

Even though it’s years old at this point, we keep getting inquiries about this course that won Gold in an Articulate Guru Competition. That’s why today, we’re outlining what made it so successful. A little background: Sales orientation training is notoriously difficult because it requires the user to be highly engaged with the material. So […]