Filed under: Localization

Learn Something New calendar note

10 Awesome Training Engagement Techniques from the Last Year

Wow! As we mentioned yesterday, it’s been a LONG time since we blogged, so it feels good to stretch our typing fingers and re-enter the interweb once again. We may have taken a hiatus from blogging, but everything else has been full steam ahead here at ThinkingKap. So, to jump start our return, we thought […]

Waving international flags in blue sky

Using eLearning for Cultural Training

Cultural training is a common exercise for companies who are expanding internationally. Sometimes these international relationships come as a result of acquiring existing businesses across the globe, or sometimes they arrive in the form of new partnerships with businesses in other countries. In order for these relationships to be successful, teams need to gather an […]

Foreign language colorful communication speech bubbles hanging from a cord over blue background

10 Steps to Successfully Translating a Course in Articulate Storyline

Having done many translation projects with Articulate Storyline, I’ve learned that not everyone is aware of the awesome Storyline feature that enables you to export and re-import all of the text in the .story file. This feature is very comprehensive as it includes on-slide text, button labels, slide titles, notes, etc. You can imagine how […]