Labelmaster: General Awareness 3D

Labelmaster’s 3D training brought hazardous materials to life. Discover how immersive learning boosted engagement and knowledge retention.

We make employees Immersed


Leveraging 3D animation to help learners engage and apply their knowledge

A young man engaged in eLearning


Higher retention and comprehension rates – and learners loved the course.

  • Participate in realistic activities that enrich learner understanding
  • Hands-on practice improved understanding of essential concepts
  • Higher retention and comprehension rates
  • Learners loved the 3D interactions!

The introduction of visually appealing, scenario-based 3D interactions transformed the course into a memorable learning experience.

Our approach allowed learners to participate in realistic activities, enriching their understanding through immersive real-world scenarios. As a result, learners could practice essential concepts hands-on, which proved to be significantly more effective than traditional eLearning methods.

The enhanced engagement and practical application of knowledge contributed to higher retention and comprehension rates. Ultimately, the course provided a richer educational experience, driving home key concepts more efficiently and effectively. Learners who have participated in the new 3D course love it and have been begging for more of this style in other courses.

Ready to revitalize your existing training materials?