LSC: Opioid Epidemic for Legal Aid

Legal aid providers needed Opioid Use Disorder training. Discover how micro-modules bridged the knowledge gap and empowered more effective client advocacy.

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Relatable imagery and real statistics underpinned legal advocacy techniques for specific populations

A man looks into the distance


Increased advocacy effectiveness and had a broader social impact by ensuring more informed and compassionate legal support

  • Learners gained an understanding of the unique experiences of vulnerable populations
  • Increased advocacy effectiveness
  • More informed and compassionate legal support

Detailed instruction micro-modules covered essential advocacy strategies and highlighted the specific challenges faced by vulnerable populations affected by substance use disorder.

The introduction of these targeted micro-modules significantly impacted the legal aid community. Legal aid attorneys who participated in the training gained a thorough understanding of the opioid epidemic, including its legal ramifications.

As a result, attorneys were better equipped to handle the complex legal issues associated with OUD clients. The training not only increased their advocacy effectiveness, but also had a broader social impact by ensuring more informed and compassionate legal support for individuals grappling with OUD.

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