The eLearning course ThinkingKap developed not only addressed our trust-building challenge in a virtual world, but also provided practical strategies for our teams to implement. The impact on remote team dynamics and productivity has been great!


The client acknowledged a pressing need to foster trust in a virtual context, a challenge magnified by the complexities of remote interactions. Establishing genuine relationships becomes increasingly difficult when communication occurs solely through digital means. Additionally, team members hailed from diverse cultural backgrounds, each bringing their own sets of expectations and communication norms. These factors collectively created a barrier to effective collaboration and seamless team integration. The client’s goal was to bridge this gap and enable their virtual teams to work more cohesively.


To address this, ThinkingKap developed a comprehensive eLearning course designed to simulate real-world business environments. The course was rich with interactive elements, providing learners with opportunities to engage in meaningful activities that mirror everyday business scenarios. These interactive questions and activities were crafted to reflect situations where trust is crucial. The course featured multiple scenarios that presented subtle cues and actionable insights into how to build and nurture trust within intercultural and virtual teams. By participating in these authentic simulations, learners were equipped with practical skills and strategies to foster trust in their professional relationships.


The eLearning course had a significant impact on the virtual teams by enhancing their ability to establish various types of trust. Communication trust improved, as team members learned to convey their messages clearly and effectively in a virtual setting. Competence trust was bolstered by enabling team members to showcase and acknowledge each other’s skills and expertise. Contractual trust saw an uptick, as the course emphasized the importance of reliability and fulfilling commitments. Finally, interpersonal trust blossomed through the cultivation of genuine connections and empathy among team members. Overall, the training program resulted in more cohesive, motivated, and high-performing virtual teams.